Authentication of precious metal products with a smartphone was once deemed impossible until AlpVision proved otherwise seven years ago. In 2006, AlpVision patented the AlpVision Fingerprint technology, which has since evolved to a level where it can be utilized by end-users to authenticate precious metal products using their regular smartphones.

In 2013, Veriscan was introduced, utilizing flatbed scanners connected to a PC. Four years later, the first smartphone app was released on the Apple App Store. Since then, Veriscan has been adopted by thousands of users to authenticate their precious belongings. While several companies propose product fingerprint solutions, AlpVision remains the only one offering a reliable and industrially proven technology that can be effectively utilized by end-users.

Enabling product fingerprint functionality on smartphones requires more than simply comparing two images, as the setup with smartphones lacks control and presents challenges such as geometrical transformations, illumination, phone models, and computing power. AlpVision takes pride in being pioneers in this field and remains committed to maintaining a leading position through ongoing efforts.

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