What is it?
Optical Variable Inks are special inks that change their aspect depending on the viewer’s position and lightning conditions.
How do you detect it?
OVI detection is performed with the naked eye and by following a certain process. The user has to be properly trained to draw a reliable conclusion.
How does it work?
Optical Variable Inks contain special pigments which display multiple distinct colors depending on the viewing angle.
What do we think about this technology?
OVI is a special case of OVD. However, it has a huge advantage over holograms in minimizing production costs since it is printed. However, OVI is often silk-screen printed, which is a slow and expensive technology. Printing with cheaper technologies, like offset or flexography, may lead to a less visible effect, since the deposited ink thickness is lower. It also has all the other drawbacks of OVD (visibility, low security, etc.) and therefore has few useful applications in brand protection. This technology adds substantial cost to manufacturing, and replacing it with a Cryptoglyph® (or AlpVision Fingerprint® if the OVI is on the product) will provide both higher security and higher user friendliness when inspected.
Field of application
Banknotes, certificates, permits, deeds, cosmetics, packaging and cars.