Counterfeit goods detection: tools and tips


Counterfeit goods are on the rise, causing substantial financial losses and jeopardizing brands’ reputation. This article explores this growing threat and reveals the importance of some innovative solutions to detect counterfeits and protect your brand.


Counterfeit goods : a growing threat


Counterfeit products statistics

The threat of counterfeit goods has kept on growing in recent years, which poses a major challenge for brands and consumers alike. Some alarming statistics highlight the extent of this issue: for example, in 2020, annual sales losses amounted to 26.3 billion euros in the clothing industry and 10.2 billions in the pharmaceutical sector.


Counterfeiters have found a modern solution to promote their products, which is social media, and in particular TikTok. They use videos openly featuring fake items, referred to as “dupes” or “reps” on the platform. These videos are unapologetically transparent about the illicit nature of the items, with individuals openly boasting about their quality and affordability.


Impact of fake goods on reputation and revenue

The consequences of this proliferation go beyond mere infringement of intellectual property. The following results of counterfeit has significant impact on the reputation of businesses and their revenue:


  • Reputation damage: counterfeit products can lead to negative reviews and complaints, damaging a brand’s reputation.
  • Loss of customer confidence: unwittingly purchasing fake goods may result in a loss of trust and reduced customer loyalty.
  • Impact on genuine sales: lower-priced counterfeit alternatives can undermine the sales of authentic products.
  • Consumer safety concerns: fake products may lack quality control, which poses safety risks and harms a brand’s image.


What should brands do to prevent deceptive products?

It is imperative that brands take a proactive approach to counter this growing threat. This includes implementing advanced traceability technologies, educating consumers on how to distinguish authentic products from counterfeits, and collaborating with authorities to strengthen enforcement against counterfeit networks.


Combating the growing threat of fakes requires concerted action from businesses, governments, and consumers. By adopting proactive measures, brands can not only protect their reputation and revenue but also contribute to preserving consumer safety and trust.


The importance of product authentication solutions


What is the role of goods authentication solutions?

Product authentication solutions are vital for preserving brand reputation, ensuring consumer confidence, and protecting revenues. These measures authenticate product legitimacy, building trust and mitigating the risks associated with counterfeit goods. They also play a crucial role in legal compliance: it helps brands adhere to intellectual property laws and avoid legal issues related to counterfeiting.


Authentication solutions contribute to supply chain security by enabling product tracking and verification, which reduces the risk of counterfeit infiltration. Visible anti-counterfeiting measures act as a deterrent, safeguarding market share. Additionally, these solutions often integrate data and analytics, for valuable insights into consumer behavior and supply chain threats.


Some well-known technologies

Various verification solutions exist. QR codes and holograms act as visible features on products, they provide a tangible and easily recognizable means of authentication. When consumers can visibly verify a product’s authenticity through these features, it instills confidence and trust in the brand. The presence of such technologies serves as a deterrent to counterfeiters and reassures consumers of the legitimacy of their purchase.


Another solution can be RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification). It uses unique identifiers on product tags to track and authenticate items throughout the supply chain. It helps combat counterfeit goods by enabling real-time verification of authenticity and enhancing traceability within the distribution process.


Impact of visible features

The visibility provided by technologies, such as QR codes, holograms, and RFID tags, instills confidence among consumers and businesses by offering a tangible means to verify product authenticity. These visible anti-counterfeiting technologies create a transparent and trustworthy environment, assuring consumers that the purchased items are genuine, which positively impacts brand reputation and consumer trust.


One negative impact of such technologies is that they cannot be removed once they are integrated into the products. If the brand decides to change them, some old items will still be on the market with the previous technology attached to them.


Covert solutions

In response to the limitations of visible authentication features, covert solutions such as Cryptoglyph and AlpVision Fingerprint have emerged. These technologies operate discreetly, they provide a layer of authentication that is not visible to the naked eye. This covert approach adds an extra dimension to product security, making it more difficult for counterfeiters to replicate or tamper with the authentication measures.


Cryptoglyph is a microscopic pattern or code embedded in packaging, labels, or products. It can be detected and authenticated using specialized equipment or mobile apps. It can be discreetly integrated into various materials without affecting the overall design or aesthetics of the product or packaging.


AlpVision Fingerprint is a groundbreaking covert anti-counterfeit solution designed to trace and verify a diverse range of products, including molded bottles, caps, electrical appliances, mechanical parts, precious metals, watches, imaging supplies, and a broad spectrum of plastic molded items currently accessible in the market.



A seamless authentication experience


User-friendly verification methods : a necessity

In the realm of product authentication, the implementation of user-friendly verification methods is not just a convenience but a strategic necessity. The seamless integration of user-friendly verification processes is paramount in ensuring a positive and accessible consumer experience. By prioritizing ease of use, brands can engage consumers in the verification process, making it more likely that they will actively participate in confirming the authenticity of their purchases.


User-friendly verification methods contribute significantly to the effectiveness of anti-counterfeiting measures. When the verification process is intuitive, straightforward, and accessible, consumers are more likely to adopt these measures as part of their routine. This widespread acceptance enhances the overall impact of anti-counterfeiting efforts by creating a broader network of vigilant consumers who actively participate in safeguarding the integrity of the brand.


Moreover, a user-friendly verification system aligns with the broader goal of building consumer trust. The transparency and simplicity of the authentication process reassure consumers and it reinforces their confidence in the legitimacy of the products they purchase.


The benefits of mobile apps or verification portals

One of the key elements in creating a seamless authentication experience is the integration of mobile apps or dedicated verification portals. These platforms offer a convenient and efficient way for consumers to verify the authenticity of a product.


By simply scanning a QR code or utilizing a mobile app, users can quickly access information that confirms the legitimacy of the product. This user-friendly approach encourages consumers to actively participate in the authentication process, fostering a sense of transparency and trust between brands and their customers.


Our Mobile Product Authentication has 5 big advantages. It allows for decreased false positive and false negative risks, requires much less training, it evolves over time and gives instant statistics. Moreover, it is a perfect solution for end-users who can install it on their smart phone!


The danger of SMS-based authentication

While SMS-based authentication remains a widely adopted method, it is important to acknowledge and address the associated risks. The risk to phishing attacks and SIM card swapping underscores potential vulnerabilities that could compromise the security of the authentication process.


In the context of phishing attacks, malicious actors may attempt to deceive individuals into divulging sensitive information, exploiting the inherent vulnerabilities of SMS-based methods. Simultaneously, the risk of SIM card swapping introduces the possibility of unauthorized access, further emphasizing the need for heightened security measures.


Brands should diligently evaluate the security implications of their chosen authentication methods, considering the evolving landscape of cyber threats. Rigorous scrutiny ensures that the selected measures not only offer user-friendly experiences but also establish a resilient defense against the increasingly sophisticated tactics employed by counterfeiters.



Cryptoglyph and AlpVision Fingerprint

In the context of creating a seamless authentication experience, technologies like Cryptoglyph and AlpVision Fingerprint once again prove their significance. These covert solutions not only enhance security but also contribute to the user-friendly aspect of the authentication process.


By integrating these technologies into the verification process, brands can offer consumers a seamless and intuitive experience while maintaining a high level of security against fraud threats.


Suspect sample analysis


An additional layer of protection

The implementation of suspect sample analysis services stands as an additional layer of counterfeit protection in the ongoing battle against fake products. This strategic approach not only enhances the security measures already in place but also empowers brands to actively involve their customers in the fight against counterfeiting.


A service to analyze suspicious products

Brands can offer a valuable service by providing customers with the means to analyze suspicious products. This can be achieved through dedicated platforms where customers can submit information or samples of products they find questionable.


Leveraging user-friendly verification methods in this process ensures a swift and efficient analysis of genuine items. This collaborative approach not only engages consumers in the authentication process but also accelerates the identification of fake products.


A solution by AlpVision

AlpVision, a leader in anti-counterfeiting technology, can play a pivotal role in providing suspect sample analysis services to brands. Our expertise in advanced technologies, such as Cryptoglyph and AlpVision Fingerprint, positions us as a trusted partner in analyzing and verifying suspect samples.


Brands can leverage our services to enhance their overall anti-counterfeiting strategy, offering customers a reliable and efficient means to verify the authenticity of their products.




Safeguarding against counterfeit products requires a comprehensive approach. Integrating user-friendly verification methods, covert technologies like Cryptoglyph, and suspect sample analysis services such as Mobile Product Authentication is the way to go. This multifaceted strategy not only strengthens brand security but also engages consumers in the fight against counterfeiting, ensuring authenticity and trust. Not sure which anti-counterfeiting technology to choose ? For more advice, click on the button here below :

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