Following PharmaLedger’s year 2 press release in December 2021, we are happy to share our contribution to the European Project. Sponsored under the Horizon 2020 program, PharmaLedger brings together 12 global pharmaceutical companies and 17 public and private entities. The goal of the project is to provide a widely trusted platform that supports the design and adoption of blockchain enabled healthcare solutions. AlpVision Cryptoglyph technology has been successfully integrated into the PharmaLedger platform allowing for seamless product authentication in addition to electronic Product Information (ePI). The integration of our solution into an open system is an amazing achievement as it provides our customer with an immediate access to additional product authentication channels, and this without major investments into software and hardware. The results are even more impressive when considering the fact that product authentication is not performed on the mobile device but rather on a remote server, and all this without a decrease in user friendliness.


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