This year has seen AlpVision develop better modes of communication with our Chinese customers. Since the launch of our new website, a language section is now available in English or Chinese. It is believed that up to 45% of the world’s counterfeit production occurs in China. This has a devastating effect on our Chinese clients and their products. It is for this reason that AlpVision would like to help Chinese companies by using our anti-counterfeiting solutions. At AlpVision we understand the importance of social media communication.  A WeChat account has been created recently in order to allow anyone with potential questions or requests to contact us. This social media platform allows AlpVision to interact with clients easily and inform them about our latest approach in the fight against counterfeit products. From articles in magazines to our newest technologies, everything will be presented on this platform. Communication is a point of pride for AlpVision. Therefore, a chat box has been installed on the English version of the website. Talking with our technical team has never been so easy.

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