Implementing an anti-counterfeiting security feature, as a brand owner, is not an easy task. Aside from strategic and financial considerations, selecting the most appropriate anti-counterfeiting technology is critical. Deploying a technology is a long-term commitment that affects not only the brand owner but also suppliers and other supply chain agents.
So, what is a good solution? Project managers in charge must consider questions such as what the goal is, who will authenticate it, whether it will be visible or invisible, on primary or secondary packaging, maximum cost, supplier dependency, health considerations, change management, etc. Answering these questions will result in a short list of potential anti-counterfeit security features.
AlpVision has implemented a security feature selection tool to help facilitate this process. The user will be guided through a series of interactive questions, and the algorithm will suggest appropriate anti-counterfeit security features.
To use the tool, click on the button below or scan the QR code.